Make your own Fabric Covered Slap Bands

It bugs me when my rolls of stabilizer unspool. And I wanted to have labels on my embroidery stabilizer so I knew at a glance what each roll was. But I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on bands that didn’t reflect my stash of stabilizers. SOOoooo…

rolls of embroidery stabilizer on paper towel holders attached to ikea pegboard

I created custom slap bands to corral on those rolls and used my embroidery machine to stitch the labels on them. Do ya’ hear those angels singing? Cuz I sure do! I hear them every time I look at my lovely stabilizer stash above. Or these extra rolls in a drawer…

rolls of stabilizer in a drawer, each with its own embroidered band to label it

If you have a metal tape measure (check Harbor Freight for cheap ones!), some duct tape, and some scissors, fabric, and thread – you can make these in your favorite fabrics and fonts to compliment your sewing room.

Watch the quick video below for all the details on how you can create these snazzy custom organizers for your collection of rolls too.

If you like this project, feel free to pin it to one of your own Pinterest boards and share it!

Or check out my video on TONS of ways to store your stabilizers.

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